All gyms are different, most of the time each gym has a different style of barbell weights. As everyone knows they all go on the bar the same way, which is you lift it up and slide the weight on to the bar.
As designer Sun Ho Sin shows in his concept the weight has a clamping mechanism which opens and closes when lifted by the handle of the weight. I frequently go to the gym and use barbell weights a lot. In my opinion this design is illogical in a couple different ways.
First, one has to think about the mechanism parts within the weight, this with out a doubt will raise the price up. Secondly, the majority of the time when using a barbell its mostly already racked at waist or chest height. Every time I want to put one of these new weights on I would have to lift it higher than I need to. Also one would have to consider the pinching aspect of the weight, I know I wouldn't like to get my finger pinched in there. Overall I would be fine sticking with the good old fashioned slide on slide off weight. Sometimes redesigning a simple product isn't always necessary.